Meet Savannah Ratcliff.

Savannah is on a mission to help you navigate the complexities of food and nutrition, all while realigning your perspective on health and wellness. Savannah originally embarked on a biomedical science degree with dreams of becoming an orthodontist. However, a pivotal moment occurred when she was halfway through her degree, and in a conversation with an advisor, she confessed that her true passion lay in her nutrition and health science courses.

She made the decision to leave her previous university (go Bulls!) and begin working toward her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics (BSDN). Little did she know this decision would lead her to a fulfilling career where her absolute favorite thing, food, would be at the forefront!

Savannah's journey is a testament to the power of following one's true passion and finding balance.


Our mission is to provide you with personalized, evidence-based nutritional support in a purposeful and customized manner. We believe in connecting with you on a deeper level, fostering a clear understanding of your individual needs, and guiding you toward a harmonious relationship with your health and well-being.

“Realigning how I think about food saved my life. As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder, there is nothing I have more reverence for than my body. I’ve seen all the dark sides of the wellness industry, (looking at you, watermelon cleanse) and can now take my years of formal, clinical nutrition education to help others find food freedom”

- Savannah Ratcliff